- Mar 21
[Open Call] K-Women: Celebrating Korean Female Artists
4482 [SASAPARI], the art community platform bridging the UK and South Korea, is thrilled to announce an open call for artists in...
- Jun 30, 2023
K-Art Now in London!?
Since 2018, events such as artist talks and seminars by 4482[SASAPARI] have been held under the name 'K-Art Now'. This initiative started...
- Oct 10, 2022
[K-Art Now] Group Artist Talk
[Ten] Hope - Group Artist Talk Sometimes, 'a hope' sounds too abstract in our daily life. And because it is what it is, I am convinced...
- Oct 8, 2022
Art Workshop with Artist, 'Face Your Emotions'
- What if you can express your emotion anytime and anywhere without worrying about others? Think about it. Your anger, depression, worry,...
- Sep 18, 2022
4482-2022 [Ten] Hope
10th Exhibition since the 4482[SASAPARI]'s inception [TEN] HOPE For the past two years, we have seen an ever-increasing crisis around...
- Sep 8, 2022
Please support us vis the Crowfunding
Sometimes, 'a hope' sounds too abstract in our daily life. And because it is what it is, I convince that we need to express your hope...