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Buffy Kimm

Buffy Kimm who is a painter and a mixed media artist focuses on experimental and mainly abstract, being split between works using paper as the main medium, etching and sculpture using found objects. Her background as a set designer has had a huge influence on my work. The skills of model making and technical drawing are evident in her pieces, and she finds inspiration through photography, particularly abstract detail in architecture, natural forms and textures. She uses these images as a starting point, abstracting shapes and playing with texture and scale until she has created something different and exciting. Buffy's work is both experimental and playful.

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Rust and Spikes 1, 2021, 450 x 350 mm, Rusted metal and recycled MDF

Rust and Spikes 1 is created from found metal, rusted over time, and recycled MDF.

Kimm collects discarded materials and creates new artworks from this unwanted detritus. She wants to represent the coexistence of erosion along side the potential for recycling, juxtaposing natural erosion with manmade complexity.

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