K-Art Now_Event
Art Networking
Thank you for coming to the Art Networking event with 4482!
This event is for you, the creative individual, and we hope you all have a chance to talk, connect and get inspiration.
Please go to this link and fill out the survey.
Remember to finish the survey from the QR code and give the number to the 4482 team.
7.30pm_Networking Time!
Pick a question and start the conversation!
Who is your favourite artist?
What do you think about NFT?
What was the best exhibition you’ve been to recently?
What is your biggest inspiration?
What other things are you interested in apart from ART?
Some artists question or challenge society through their work. Is this an important function of art, in your opinion?
8.30pm_Draw Time!
Good Luck!
Artist Review

I joined 4482[SASAPARI] last October, having been introduced to them by my friend Hanna ten Doornkaat. I was thrilled to be asked to take part in the '[Ten] Hope' exhibition at the Gallery@OXO last year, along with seven other artists from Korea, and the UK. It was a pleasure meeting the other artists and sharing the space with them. The gallery @OXOis a wonderful place in which to exhibit and it was very special to meet the other artists and learn about their work and backgrounds. At the last minute I sold one of my pieces and was so pleased that a Korean collector bought it, continuing the connection between the two nations.